The best sort of nature album, one that sits back and lets the local inhabitants strut their stuff. Biodukt distills the rhythms of a day down to a single hour, and provides a respite from worry and work.
The Top 20 Albums of the Year
The album speaks of the forest and its natural rhythms over the course of a day, from sunrise to sunset, a reminder of seasons and cycles both physical and metaphorical: a solace and an encouragement, wrapped up in a virtual spring.
The 25 Best Spring Albums of All Time
Sound artist Martina Testen suggests that audio from a natural environment appeals to “that unexplainable place from which stems the body’s immune system, as well as all the mystical and archetypal figures and desires”. In a recent experiment, she observed that consumers spent more time shopping if a supermarket played Biodukt, recordings from Slovenian and Italian sub-Alpine forests that she and her partner Simon Šerc released on 20 March, the first day of spring.
The Guardian

De uit Slovenië afkomstige Martina Testen en Simon Šerc hebben gedurende een maand opnamen gemaakt en verzameld, wat uiteindelijk heeft geleid tot een album met exact een uur natuurgeluiden, onderverdeeld in vijf perioden: zonsopgang, ochtend, middag, avond en zonsondergang. De opnamen zijn gemaakt in bossen in Italië en Slovenië. Dieren, water en vegetatie produceren kleurrijke geluiden die, ook omdat je je soms afvraagt wat je precies hoort, aandachtig luisteren afdwingen. De pure natuur klinkt betoverend mooi.
Opduvel jaarlijst 2020
During this global crisis, we need reminders of the great eternal. Biodukt is an intensely soothing release, a day spent in the forest from sunrise to sunset, shared in the space of exactly one hour. While Biodukt is a beautiful, pristine recording, it is also an invitation. Come.
A Closer Listen
For those who can’t get to the woods, this is the next best thing: forest bathing for the ears. The album is a reminder of geographic time, the cycle of nature and the healing power of the sea. These tall trees care little for our plight, yet they are still able to offer an unintentional solace.
Top Ten Field Recording & Soundscape
Zdi se, da album Biodukt ne bi mogel iziti ob boljšem trenutku kot v času, ko smo prisiljeni preživeti večino časa doma. Album sestavljajo terenski posnetki, ki se skozi pet kompozicij povežejo v čas od sončnega vzhoda do sončnega zahoda. Ob poslušanju nas za eno uro prestavijo v naravo in z njo tudi povežejo.

What better way to escape the confines of self-quarantine and still avoiding crowds than to escape into the woods. And what better way to return to the blog than with a release documenting the sonic purity and solace of the woods. Today Martina Tested and Simon Serc give us “Biodukt.”
Noise Beneath The Snow
Een land dat voor meer dan de helft uit bos bestaat, geeft de mogelijkheid je diep in het woud terug te trekken, dat deden Testen en Šerc gedurende een maand. Tijd die ze gebruikten om veldopnames te maken die de basis vormden voor de vijf stukken op dit album, die de vijf stadia van de dag vertegenwoordigen: zonsopgang, ochtend, middag, avond en zonsondergang. Daarnaast trokken ze naar Italië, onder andere om het geluid van de branding op te nemen.
Nieuwe Noten
Zanimivo zvočno potovanje in v času karantene tudi odličen nadomestek za prisluhniti glasovom ptic. A kot kaže se kot posledica epidemije in zmanjšane človekove dejavnosti vračajo tudi živali. In si tudi sedaj prepevajo brez človeške publike.
A wonderful piece featured in The Guardian about experiencing nature in lockdown with the help of field recorders who have captured the sounds of the great outdoors in all their crashing, squawking glory.
Let’s go Slovenia
有些人认为实地记录实际能达到的效果则更高。声音艺术家玛蒂娜·德森(Martina Testen)建议,来自自然环境的声音会“有着人体免疫系统,以及所有神秘和原始的欲望无法解释的地方。”在最近的一次实验中,她观察到,如果一家超市播放“Biodukt”,那么消费者会花更多的时间购物。Biodukt是她和搭档西蒙·塞尔克(SimonŠerc)于3月20日(春天的第一天)发布的关于斯洛文尼亚和意大利亚高山森林的录音。 该声音的发布日期原定为3月12日,即圣格雷戈里节,庆祝鸟类发现其伴侣的时间,但由于冠状病毒而推迟了。
The Paper
Eden najpomembnejših angleških medijev The Guardian je pred kratkim objavil obsežen članek o čudovitih zvokih narave, ki jih različni svetovni umetniki posnamejo na svoje snemalnike. V tej izbrani družbi se je znašel tudi album Biodukt, v katerem lahko slišite tudi zvoke narave, ki jih ponuja Vipavska dolina.
Lokalne Ajdovščina
Op Biodukt klinkt de pure natuur betoverend mooi. Natuurlijk is er wel een menselijke hand in het spel, maar alleen in het vastleggen en selecteren van de geluiden, niet omdat wordt ingegrepen in de gang van zaken in de natuur. Dieren, water en vegetatie produceren kleurrijke geluiden die, ook omdat je je soms afvraagt wat je precies hoort, aandachtig luisteren afdwingen. Het klinkt als muziek in de oren.
Biodukt on BBC Radio 3: Revel in the nature sounds of a Slovenian forest captured by sound recordists Martina Testen and Simon Šerc in this morning’s Sunday Breakfast Sounds of the Earth.
BBC Radio 3 Sounds of the Earth
Biodukt on Resonance.fm: A Duck in a Tree, a 60 minute continuous mix of some of the best genre-refusing, zero BPM, hypnatropic and maximinimalist recordings that have grabbed their attention. Resonance 104.4 FM on FM and DAB in London and online worldwide. This week’s edition features new releases by Erich Barganier, on the Belts and Whistles label, and by Martina Testen / Simon Šerc on Pharmafabrik, interspersed with recordings by Black Glass Ensemble, acs272, Of Habit & Dane Law, Francesco Giannico, Audio Obscura, Rabbitsquirrel, Oren Ambarchi, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Owl Brain Atlas.
Biodukt on WFMU: Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.
Biodukt on Framework Radio: they present not only the extremely diverse sound environments of our world, but also the extremely diverse work that is being produced by the artists who choose to use these environments as their sonic sources.
Framework Radio
24 Hours of Radio Art in a snack sized format. This Friday’s show features Paulo Raposo, Jared Sagar, Sonologyst and Slovenian field recordists Martina Testen and Simon Serc‘s Biodukt.
CITR FM 101.9
Biodukt in The Moderns EP. 101 – Kevin Press. Kevin Press is the author of The Moderns, three volumes dedicated to the world’s most exciting contemporary musicians. Featuring reviews and interviews, all three books are available exclusively from Amazon.
The Moderns EP. 101
The Recognition Test # 201: Thomas Köner, Luciano Berio, Omori, Martina Testen, Simon Šerc, K. H. Stockhausen, Steve Reich.
Unexplained Sounds Group Radio
Biodukt on Fango: Suoni dalla pattumiera astrale. Un’ora di musica scelta da Adern X mixata senza interruzioni, ma non per questo senza silenzio, e senza vincoli di genere, ma non per questo senza limiti.
Fango Radio
Biodukt on Freeform Portland 90.3 FM, presented by Ricardo Wang.
Freeform Portland 90.3 FM
Field Recording Special – Highlights from this Friday’s afternoon’s show include new field recordings from Alessandro Ragazzo (Venice), Martina Testen and Simon Serc (Gorizia), plus “Processions of Time” and our interview with its composer – sound ecologist Virgilio Oliveira (Prague).
Bepi Crespan Presents…
Biodukt on Found Sounds Lost Horizons Radio, presented by Trevor Brown & Ben Fink, on 89.7 Eastside FM, Sydney.
Found Sounds Lost Horizons
Biodukt on Sheltowee Traces, WRFL 88.1 FM Lexington KY, presented by Erin Maines – chill songs to relax to while unwinding after your day.
Sheltowee Traces, WRFL 88.1 FM
Biodukt in Ambient 2020 mix – thirteen beautiful tracks, perfect for deep contemplation and escape.
The Letter
“Isola della cona” in Schrill on Radio Dreyeckland 102.3 MHz, gür Sirenen des techno-fossilen Zeitalters.
Schrill, Radio Dreyeckland 102.3 MHz
7 top tips for surviving lockdown: If you can – go outside, or look out your window. If you can’t get out check out this amazing field recording: Biodukt of bird song recordings from Slovenian and Italian sub-Alpine forests – Love the woodpeckers in Sunrise Mesnjak.
Right to Health

Ekodukt is released on Blu-Ray disc, which means you can enjoy the two-hour soundscape uninterrupted. It is also a bit confronting since it made me realize that a rich and lively fauna like this, a place where you hear no human-made background noises, is almost impossible to find in my country.
Ekodukt – Ambientblog
Biodukt is one of the finest field recording works we’ve ever covered. The Blu-Ray offers an even more immersive experience. As one can tell from the video below, the larger the screen, the more one seems to be able to walk into the forest itself.
Ekodukt – A CLoser Listen